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Choreography: Bartek Woszczyński
Dancers: Michał Adam Góral, Dorota Koprowska, Jakub Mędrzycki,
Michał Przybyła Dominika Stróżewska
Music: ATMO Music Productions
Light direction: Artur Wytrykus
Costume design: Joanna Woszczyńska
Design of graphic materials: Renata Orzeszek | Without Template
Project coordination: Urszula Woszczyńska
The project was supported by the city of Warsaw.

"Do łez" is a performance in which a grotesque, exaggerated, idealized world is intertwined with a melancholic, lonely and sad reality. It is a performance about lost, entangled, searching and escaping people, who are often among us hiding behind a smiling mask of everyday life. It touches the subject of addiction, showing the uncontrolled transformation of a person escaping from reality, wanting to stay in their own, imaginary and the only world they accept.
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